"Swamp Mobsters"
Drain The Swamp
Moral Courage in the face of Monstrous Evil
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities,
against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world,
against spiritual wickedness in high places.
(Ephesians 6:12)

Prophet Ezekiel (8:7-9)
Then He brought me to the entrance to the court, and I looked and saw a hole in the wall.
Then He said to me,
"Go in and see the wicked abominations they are committing here."
Infamous Mobster Clips
Give them according to their deeds, and according to the wickedness
of their endeavours: give them after the work of their hands;
render to them their desert.
(Psalm 28:4)
Jimmy Savile
Jimmy Savile sex allegations | Channel 4 News
The Evil History of Jimmy Savile
Jimmy Savile The Satanic Monster Protected By The "Elites"
The UK's Predatory Paedophile's and their Protection Network Exposed
Jimmy Savile CH5 Documentary March 2015 UK
Exposure Update - The Jimmy Savile Investigation
BBC Panorama - Jimmy Savile's friend Sadistic Paedophile Child Killer Sidney Cooke
Exposure Update - The Jimmy Savile Investigation
Jimmy Savile - "Meet The Psychopaths" - Documentary
Broadmoor Knew Jimmy Savile Was A "Paedophile & A Psychopath"
Jimmy Savile: audio of an unpleasant encounter | Channel 4 News
The Disturbing Moment Jimmy Savile Assaulted A Woman On Live TV | Good Morning Britain
RAW FOOTAGE: Rolf Harris and Jimmy Savile joke about their friendship (1992)
Jimmy Savile and Gary Glitter: The Dressing Room Hell
Jimmy Savile controversy | Channel 4 News
Jimmy Savile abuse scandal shocks UK, rocks BBC
The BBC Knew JIMMY SAVILE Was a Paedophile for Years, But Decided to Do Nothing "BUT PRAISE HIM"
Rolf Harris
Rolf Harris song mocks victims
Court hears of Rolf Harris darker side
Gary Glitter
BBC News Gary Glitter jailed for 16 years for sex attacks
Gary Glitter breaks down in court
Gary Glitter told off for wearing sunglasses in court
Roman Polanski
Polanski faces fresh accusation of sex attack on minor
Hollywood Liberals Celebrate Child Rapist
Poland's Supreme Court refused to extradite Roman Polanski to U.S.
Roman Polanski SNAP calls for boycott
Robert Hughes
Hey Dad! Paedophile Robert Hughes: The Detail of his Crimes
Hey Dad! Cast Speaks Out on Paedophile Star Robert Hughes